Climate Coalition Green Heart Hero Award 2019

  1. I didn’t win an award but I ‘picked up’ a couple of hearts and spread the #1PieceOfRubbish campaign by ‘card-bombing’ dozens of people with my ‘business’ cards. Hopefully I’ve won over lots of important and influential hearts!!! 💚💚💚. It was an amazing experience… one I wouldn’t have missed for the world and that was ample reward in itself. 

22 Pieces of Rubbish

Every week, for almost 2 years, I’ve picked up 22 pieces of rubbish, to try to beautify the great city of Manchester ( and the UK!) into a beautiful remembrance of the beautiful 22, massacred on the 22nd May. This week’s 22 were collected in London, following the Green Heart Hero Awards. Seven volunteers have recently vowed to do 22 bits too! I’ll just leave you with that thought.💚

Image may contain: Ruth Major, smiling, standing and outdoor