Photograph of last week’s 22 pieces to REmember Manchester’s 22, courtesy of Nicola at Daisy Rain Vintage in REdruth. Make-A-Mends cREated their REtro banner which REfers to the REcycled, REpaired, REpurposed and REloved nature of Nicola’s shop. REst awhile and REflect! #beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #pickitup #everyday #redruth #cornwall #uk #nationwide
Month: February 2023
A Great Night Out!
Delicious food, delightful company & entertainment and another opportunity for me to talk a load of rubbish and recruit some new litter pickers!! Huge thanks to Betty Laurels and all the volunteers at the Camborne Earth Cafe for an amazing evening at The Elms. You never cease to amaze with your culinary skills and community spirit! 🙏 #beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #camborneearthcafe #bethanlaurels
An Amazing Moment!
An amazing moment, meeting up with Nick, an ex-student of mine from 20 years ago. He and his Rochdale Mayfield Rugby Club players beat Cornwall 20 – 14 in the Challenge Cup match yesterday at Penryn. Mayfield were delighted to win and I was delighted to have watched the match and meet up with Nick after all those years. Well done, Mayfield, and well done Nick! You’re such a great guy and I’m so very proud of you!
REhabilitation in REdruth
22 pieces of rubbish to beautify Britain, ‘Gone’ from REdruth & photographed by Wendy at ‘Gone to the Dogs’ K9 charity shop. Make-A-Mends created their REsplendent REhabilitation banner, RElevant to their REmit to REhome REscue dogs. #rescue #rehome #recycle #reuse #respect #k9dogshop
Monday Motivation.
Redruth Town Council
Saturday we had a small but mighty team of 9 taking part in our Community Clean 💪
We collected 2 HUGE bags of litter starting at the top of Flowerpot Chapel car park and walking down the lane next to the railway. We found ALOT of rubbish and unfortunately, there was a lot we couldn’t reach, but it was a fantastic morning.
Rubbish Ruth’s Rambles joined us as we “beautified Britain”! What a great collaboration!
Great start to the weekend! Well done team! 😇
MondayMotivation #BeautifyBritainBrigade #CommunityClean #CleanCornwall
REpresent in REdruth.
REmoved 22 pieces of rubbish from the REdruth REgion to beautify Britain in REmembrance of Manchester’s beautiful 22. Phil & Barbara at the Mining Exchange Studios ( a selling space for various artists & crafters) REleased these photos of me and their REpresent banner created by Make-A-Mends. Drop in to share a RElaxing and REwarding experience. You won’t REgret it! #beautifybritain #redruth #cornwall
REpresent REdruth…
REmoved 22 pieces of rubbish from the REdruth Region to beautify Britain in REmembrance of Manchester’s beautiful 22. Phil & Barbara at the Mining Exchange Studios ( a selling space for various artists & crafters) REleased these photos of me and their REpresent banner created by Make-A-Mends. Drop in to share a RElaxing and REwarding experience. You won’t REgret it! #beautifybritain #redruth #cornwall
Beautiful People….
Maya and Carl – beautiful people with beautiful souls and smiles, happy to support the Beautify Britain campaign at East End Skate Park. Super skaters too! Thank you! 🙏 #beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #everyday #eastendpark #redruth #cornwall #nationwide #everylittlehelps #lovewhereyoulive
Cleaning Kresen Kernow.
Keeping Kresen Kernow clean and REmembering Manchester’s 22 by REmoving this week’s 22 pieces of rubbish near these REmarkable miners’ statues in REdruth #beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #pickitup #kresenkernow #redruth #miners #cornwall #nationwide