Thank you For Travelling With Me!

Meet some of the 100s of new Beautify Britain recruits encountered during 4 weeks on the road from South West to North East & back! 59 buses to the Scottish border (79 buses in total), 8 trams, 3 trains, 1 plane, through 17 counties, visiting 9 Libraries, 16 Anchor Housing guest rooms, 26 Wetherspoons & experiencing 15 radio interviews & 2 TV appearances. It was a blast!
Thank you to everyone who followed, liked, loved, supported, commented, hugged & encouraged me. You kept me company, spurred me on &, in many cases, wanted to join me! I love you all for your dedication to the cause and for ‘travelling’ with me.❣️

Words of Wisdom!

Wonderful Words of Wisdom from Maud Kelly.


Now that’s what I call dedication to a cause!

beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #pickitup #everyday #redruth #cornwall #uk

Carbon Footprint!

Rubbish Ruth is at Murdoch House Redruth, receiving her Carbon Footprint magnet Ruth travelled from Redruth to the borders of Scotland using her bus pass, picking up one piece of rubbish a day and placing it in a bin as she went.

Huge thanks to Joan & David Doble for their enthusiastic support for the Beautify Britain campaign and for honouring me with my ‘carbon footprint’ magnet (hand made by Dave) which now has pride of place on my fridge! 🙏x #beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #pickitup #everyday #redruth #cornwall #uk #murdochhouse

BBC Spotlight!

Beautify Britain brilliantly broadcast by BBC Spotlight tv last week. The campaign is becoming quite a celebrity, despite the Cornish rain! 🤣

The YouTube link below takes a few seconds to upload.