Found this week’s 22 on Falmouth Road, heading for Redruth Football Club to watch Falmouth and Redruth under 10s play a fabulous game. Beautifying Britain for the beautiful 22 at ‘the beautiful game’! #beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #pickanumber #pickitup #redruth #Cornwall #nationwide #doyourbit
Month: January 2023
Beautiful People!
Beautiful people supporting the Beautify Britain campaign to beautify our beautiful country. Brilliant! #1PieceOfRubbish #pickitup #redruth #cornwall #uk #nationwide
Rubbish Ruth Returns!
Rubbish Ruth REturns from her rambles and REmoves this week’s 22 pieces of rubbish from REdruth’s streets, to beautify Britain and REmember Manchester’s beautiful 22. #beautifybritain #pickanumber #pickitup #everyweek #redruth #cornwall #uk
Loving it!
Rambling about a bit, picking up a bit, talking rubbish a bit, am loving it – a lot! #kensington #westminster #stratford #towerhamlets #beautifybritain #1PieceOfRubbish #pickitup #everyday #lovewhereyoulive
Manchester to London. The “First Class” way! #beautifybritain #avanti #onwards
My Home Town!
Made my hometown of Manchester a little more beautiful today by picking up this week’s 22 pieces of rubbish ….to create a beautiful city as a fitting memorial to Manchester’s beautiful 22. #beautifybritain #manchester #1pieceofrubbish #pickitup #22 #lovewhereyoulive #everylittlehelps
“What’s Next Sir?” By Steve Hill MBE
“What’s Next, Sir?”
“Beautifying Britain with Rubbish Ruth!” 🤣
Awesome Annie Kenney!
Awesome Annie Kenney overlooking me in Oldham. Couldn’t possibly emulate her strength of character and determination to change the world – but I’m encouraged, enthused and inspired! Thank you, Annie!
Red Rag to a Bull?
Red Bull in Royton. A ‘red rag’ to RubbishRuthsRambles!😡
Greater Manchester!
Beautifying Britain by picking up this week’s 22 in Greater Manchester, in memory of Manchester’s beautiful 22. #beautifybritain #pickanumber #pickitup #everyweek #everywhere #oldham #manchester #greatermanchester #uk #nationwide