Once again, The Red Hat Society’s, ‘Truro Toppers’ graced The Falmouth Hotel for their coffee morning. Princess Margaret and Princess Moonshine had birthdays this month, hence their beautiful ’alternative’ attire of red dresses and purple hats! Happy Birthday, Your Royal Highnesses. (Photo courtesy of Rubbish Ruth, aka The Duchess of Detritus 🤣)
Month: March 2023
Monday Motivation from REdruth Town Council!
Praise, indeed, from Redruth Town Council! Thank you so much for your very kind endorsement of the 1 Piece of Rubbish campaign to Beautify Britain. 🙏
“We haven’t done a Motivational Monday post in a few weeks but as we come towards the end of Women’s History month and Green month, we are shinning a few spotlights…
The Archives and Cornish Studies Service have a brilliant Women of Cornwall exhibition running though 2023, listen out for our podcast episode finding all about this very soon. And we want to say a big thank you to Rubbish Ruth’s Rambles who is making a huge effort to collect 1 piece (and much more!) of rubbish per day in each city, town or area she visits using her bus pass. It’s so simple but very effective!”
mondaymotivation #greenmonth #WomensHistoryMonth
RElax on ‘Home Ground’!
This weeks 22 pieces picked up by Rubbish Ruth to Beautify Britain in REmembrance of Manchester’s beautiful 22. Edward at ‘Home Ground’ cafe proudly presented the RELax cushion created by Make-A-Mends & Paris provided the picture. Together they REveal the REvitalising spirit of REdruth as it REdiscovers its REmarkable ability to REvive on its own ‘Home Ground’. The coffee is REfreshing too!!
Biffa Paul!
Biffa Paul & Rubbish Ruth REmoved 22 pieces of rubbish from REdruth’s streets to Beautify Britain in REmembrance of Manchester’s beautiful 22.
REsidents of the REgion REap the REwards of the REgular efforts of Paul and his colleagues. REspect! #beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #pickitup #everyday #redruth #cornwall #uk
REfresh in REdruth.
REmoved 22 pieces in REdruth to REmember Manchester’s beautiful 22. The Cornish Barbers kindly caught the Beautify Britain campaign on camera, beneath their REfresh banner made by Make-A-Mends. REspect to Mo, Hunar & Shankar for their REgard for the environment & for REvitalising the local REsidents!
#beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #pickitup #everyday #redruth #cornwall #uk www.RubbishRuthsRambles.co.uk
We’re On A Mission!
We’re on a mission to Beautify Britain, 1 piece of rubbish at a time. Small actions make big impacts. Come join us! #beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #pickitup #everyday #redruth #cornwall #uk #lovewhereyoulive www.RubbishRuthsRambles.co.uk
The Grow Box!
REplenish your cupboards, REstock your fridge and REstore your energy with REfreshing goods from ‘The Grow Box’ in REdruth. Carrot banner creatively crafted at Make-A-Mends. Foto(by Fran) of this week’s 22 pieces picked up to Beautify Britain & REmember Manchester’s beautiful 22. REverence! #beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #pickitup #everyday #redruth #cornwall #uk www.RubbishRuthsRambles.co.uk