
Wishing you all, whoever you are & wherever you may be, a safe, healthy, happy, lucky, exciting, prosperous, wild, wacky, wonderful, loving, caring & LITTER-FREE New Year & may this ⬇️ be your 2025 resolution!

#beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #pickitup #everyday #redruth #cornwall #uk

I’m the eternal optimist!! 💚

A Thousand Thanks!

A thousand thanks to these wonderful people who shared 80 days of my 80th birthday celebrations. I loved every minute of the time spent with you & I’m hugely appreciative of your support for the Beautify Britain campaign. Let’s do it all again when I’m 90!! 🤣

#beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #pickitup #everyday #redruth #cornwall #uk

Say Hello-ho-ho to Santa!

Day 80 of 80 days:
Say Hello-ho-ho to Santa!
At the end of 80 days of celebrating my 80th birthday, Santa & I thank you all for your unswerving support in 2024 & send heartfelt wishes for a very Merry Christmas & a happy, healthy New Year of beautifying Britain! 🙏

#beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #pickitup #everyday #redruth #cornwall #uk #redruthcommunitycentre

The Cornish Bard!

Day 79 of 80 days:
Meet Ellie, a colourful, kind & caring character who is completely passionate about all things Redruth, including ‘Beautify Britain’. She works 5 jobs, embracing the Buttermarket, the Oxford, the Ladder & ‘Feast’ & for her contribution to Cornish Dance she was appointed a Cornish Bard. James, her partner, is her appointed ‘rock’!!

#beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #pickitup #everyday #redruth #cornwall #uk

Life Is Good….

Day 78 of 80 days:
Meet Phil, artist, creator, facilitator & all-round wonderful human. He’s a Director of Redruth’s Mining Exchange Studio CIC & one of his mottos is ‘Leave judgement at the door & invite value in.’ People, inclusion & diversity are important to him as “Life is good when you’re in it” (Chicken Shed).
Life (& Beautify Britain!) is incredibly good with Phil in it! 🤗

#beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #pickitup #everyday #redruth #cornwall #uk #miningexchangestudio

Meet Manny!

Day 77 of 80 days:
Meet Manny, a spiritualist, humanist, hardworking Director of Redruth Wesley CIC & President of Redruth Chamber of Commerce. Born in Ohio of White Mountain Apache descent he has resided in Redruth for 15 years. Sadly, he’s a long-suffering survivor of racism but, happily, a cherished supporter of Beautify Britain! #beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #pickitup #everyday #redruth #cornwall #uk #redruthwesley #chamberofcommerce

The Maternal Mancunian!

Day 76 of 80 days:
Meet Lynn & the airborne elf who fell off the shelf & gate-crashed Grambler Farm’s Christmas tree! Fortunately its broken ‘wings’ will be lovingly repaired by Lynn, the maternal Mancunian with a big heart ♥️ which also embraces the Beautify Britain campaign!

#beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #pickitup #everyday #redruth #cornwall #uk #elves #gramblerfarm

Jolly Good Fun!

Day 75 of 80 days:
Meet Rosi, Director of Jollygoodh CIC , supporting family togetherness & nature engagement, & recently nominated for the ‘Women of Cornwall’ award. Aside from supporting the Beautify Britain campaign she’s also an outstanding artist , curator, community agitator, maypole dancer & ‘Jolly’ good fun to be with!

#beautifybritain #1pieceofrubbish #pickitup #everyday #redruth #cornwall #uk