Smokers! A fab and fun idea for carrying your finished fag end to the nearest bin!
22 Pieces of Rubbish
Every week, for almost 2 years, I’ve picked up 22 pieces of rubbish, to try to beautify the great city of Manchester ( and the UK!) into a beautiful remembrance of the beautiful 22, massacred on the 22nd May. This week’s 22 were collected in London, following the Green Heart Hero Awards. Seven volunteers have recently vowed to do 22 bits too! I’ll just leave you with that thought.💚
International Women’s Day
Celebrating International Women’s Day with an article in the Oldham Times & great publicity, courtesy of Ken Bennett, for the #1PieceOfRubbish campaign. THANK YOU! 💚
Staying Connected With ‘Go Connected’!
Sincerely grateful to Ken Bennett (News@Ken) for writing this article in Go Connected, delivered to every household in Shaw & Crompton. Wonderful publicity for the #1PieceOfRubbish campaign! Thank you!
Exciting News….!
Exciting news! I’ve been nominated for a Climate Coalition Green Heart Hero Award at the House of Commons in March, No guarantee I’ll win but great publicity for the #1PieceOfRubbish campaign. YAY!
Jordan, Egypt, Oman on a Passage to India.
13th January, 2019
East meets West on a “Passage to India”.
12th January 2019.
Home safely, with the great words of Ghandi forever etched on my consciousness:
“Be the change you wish to see”.
India has a lot to teach us! 🙏
1st January 2019
Celebrating the NewYear with lots of glitter litter 🤩
Dedication to duty….day and night, hail rain and snow!! 🌚
I’m Dreaming…..
Thought-provoking words from Sir David Attenborough:
My Coldhurst.
Receiving my T-shirt from Saleh Uddin, founding volunteer of ‘My Coldhurst’, who is determined to encourage all residents to improve their area by joining in regular litter picks. I’m proud & honoured to be involved with this amazing group of people. Thank you. 🙏