Redruth Local Heroes!

Calling all local heroes! ๐Ÿ† Nominations for the Specsavers Redruth Local Hero Award are officially OPEN! ๐ŸŽ‰

Whether it’s yourself, a friend, a new business, or an inspiring group making waves in our community, now’s the time to shine a spotlight on their incredible contributions. Nominate online or grab a paper copy from the Redruth Library and let’s celebrate the unsung heroes among us!

The winner of the 2023 Environment and Climate Change Hero Award was Rubbish Ruth’s Rambles a.k.a Ruth Major.

Ruth had been working for 7 years to try and encourage people to pick up rubbish as part of the โ€˜Beautify Britainโ€™ campaign. She travels around spreading the word about protecting the environment and engaging with local groups to support the idea that everyone can do something towards a cleaner and safer world. She believes that everyone can pick up at least one piece of litter a day and that small actions make big impacts.

Now, we’re on the lookout for the next hero to honour. This year, Environment and Climate Change Hero Award has been sponsored by Tesco

Or get a paper copy from the Redruth Library & Information Service
If you have a nominee in mind or need some inspiration, drop their name in the comments below. Let’s shine a light on those making a difference in our town! ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ